Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day Ten: I came down with the common cold and so It’s been five days sense I worked Happy. The needs of the Ranch never stop even if I am sick so I do the bare minimum to make it through. You can see how I fall behind on my own horses every year. Blogging Happy’s progress is really working for me, I felt really guilty not working him the last few days, it was funny.
The sun is out and it feels like spring and Happy is feeling the call of the wild. This is the first time I have seen him act like a stud. It wasn’t very impressive and the mares he was showing off too weren’t very impressed either and run off to the other side of the pasture. Witch in turn sent Happy into a frenzy, he started to worry, pacing his stall, calling after them. He was preoccupied to say the least when saddling, still worrying over the mares, he didn’t seem to notice me saddling him. I took him out to the round pen and let him run some of this energy off. Normally Happy is overly aware of me, at of times. but today he across the pen and back to the gate calling after the mares almost wiping me out in the process. He was good and tired when he finally would stay with me and follow me around the pen. This was a good day to get him used to me working him closer to me. I put the long line with a halter on him and made him lung closely around me at a trot. He doesn’t like me being so close to his sides and he keeps leaping way, facing me and backing, it takes awhile before I can get him to stay trotting around me closely and then finally down to a walks. He has finally given me his full attention, softened his eyes so I love on him a little and put him away.

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