Friday, June 25, 2010

Day Thirty Three: Kristen bits up Happy in the round pen for me. As I approach the round pen I see that Happy is having some trouble keeping his focus for the mare in the pasture next to the round pen is in full heat. Eventually I will expect my stud to keep working with a mare in heat next to him but Happy is just learning there is a time and a place for these feeling, so it is best to take the mare out of the pasture and work happy without the added distraction . Set yourself up to win, he will learn that lesson when he is better broke and I can keep his attention by doing things he already knows like roll him backs and spinning him, putting that energy to work, so for now I take the mare out and continue his lesson. He is still focused on where the mare went and I have to round pen him some more until he is listening. I step up and ask him to guide around the pen, I am happy with Happy for he is right where I left him the last time I rode him and I can easily guide him around the pen. Twoday I ask him for a little more. I want him to drift out of the circle by taking a step across himself to the outside of the circle keeping his body arced with the arc of the circle. Just one or two steps is all I want, giving ground, making the circle bigger. I do this first so I can hold him up in a circle without him dropping his shoulder and heading for the gate. I keep working one side until he will float over when asked, then go the other way. He is good to the left again and pushes to the left. I have to kick him over today. He gets irritated with me and starts to trot. I take his head around to my leg and wait until he relaxed again. I keep working his left side until he floats over when asked. Horses are really sensitive and so much is lost when first getting started if you go to fast and hard. I want my horse to find that sweet spot. Horses think much slower than we do. He feels hard at this point only because he just doesn’t know what I want, so take the time to show him before going any faster.

1 comment:

  1. I've enjoyed reading your training blog...and learned many things too. I hope you will blog some updates as your training continues with Happy.
