Monday, August 30, 2010

Day Thirty Eight: It has been another week sense I have worked Happy. The days have been really hot, the first real hot of the summer and I have been falling behind on my own horse. Happy is still very quite and I like his new out look on life. I round pens him a few minutes and then tie him in the barn, for my morning lesson just arrived a little early and so happy will have to wait until I’m done. It’s only 10:00am and the sun is intense so after my lesson I spray myself off with a little water :0P and take Happy to the indoor arena to get out of the sun. Happy is lazy again and I feel like I am riding a pleasure horse as he drags his feet around the pen. I go through the lessons of moving off my leg like before. He remembers the lessons from before and moves slowly but without resistance so I am happy with Happy. I work both sides, moving off inside leg and out side leg. Today instead of stopping and waiting in between working each side I wander and worked both sides at the same time seeing how well Happy will switch one brain to the other. Horses are one side separate brains with each eye and some transfer well and some don’t. Horses that want to grab there ass and run usually have a hard time with the transfer but Happy is very relaxed and stays thinking about what I am asking of him today. I show Happy the flag today and walk him back and forth, like I would when working it, but without someone to run the thing for me that is all for today. I will try to work it for real tomorrow;0)

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