It’s been a strange year for me, a clients horse got it’s fool head stuck in the gate and broke it’s neck and died. I had just started working as a real estate agent and had rented a room to a college student for some help around the ranch. I was having trouble with this new horse in training. He had gotten out of three pens already braking two and untying himseft to freedom, all in just twelve days and now he was tied in the stall and the gate was locked. I couldn't keep him tied forever so I asked my roommate to put him back in his stall when she feed that night. I woke up to find, my clients horse with his head stuck in the gate dead. That is not a phone call you ever want to have to make.
I had my heart broken by someone who I should have known better, but did it anyways kind of thing. Foolish!
I lost my father to a stroke and felt the most pain of my life.
I rented a room out to a person who seamed cool kinda earthy by day, wanted to kill people by night. To make matters worst he thought I was his Bonnie and he my Clyde. I kicked him out after a week. I couldn't figure out why he moved in in the first place, knowing I had been married 14 years to a sheriff. He truely was two entirely different poeple, it really freaked me out. I asked him to move out and he put dirt in my trucks gas tank. nice!
I was fired from my Real estate office cause I spread myself to thin and couldn’t keep up.
OH yes, I almost forgot, I rented out a room to a crazy person that thought if you didn’t like someone eating your food you should poison them. I through out all my food the day that person moved out. Lord help me.
I finally learned why I need a shot gun around here. All in one year and thats just the high lights, and Yes, I’m hanging on to my sanity by a thread.

Getting fired from my real estate job was the kicker. I decided, I would put the time I spent on real estate into my ranch instead seeing how it was the only thing making money. I never made a penny in real estate only paid my due and went further into the hole. IT was a learning curve, I learned how to run my business better with the education the real estate offered.
My Ranch had always taken care of me in the past and even if it‘s falling down around me it‘s my home and I was letting it fall apart. I started off with some more rock fences, if I’m going to get this place working for me I need more pens. Then Flowers, I love flowers so I asked my friends to give me a Lowes gift card for my B day. And just as soon as my place was looking better we have a grasshopper out brake, they were everywhere, climbing up my walls, in my house, in every room, they even got in the refrigerator! My flowers, I had to save my flowers so I bought some chickens and ducks. They went to town eating and they got the grasshoppers under control. The neighbors dog killed all my duck and half my chickens:0(
Some of my flowers started to come back, and I was feeling I was through the worst and brighter days are a head.
Now that the grasshoppers are down to a manageable amount the wasp have been at unbelievably high level this year and in the last few week have been swarming my house. I opened my back door on my way to work and wasps flue into my house, about five until I slammed the door. I decided to wait until they are in the windows and are easier to catch. I opened the door to go to work and a few more flue in. I slammed the door again and I picked up a magazine and opened the door, swatting wasp after wasp until I slammed the door again. This has never happened before but something in the tree outside was attracting hundreds of wasps. This is freaky!
I grow up living with wasps, mostly mud dabbers, who are not aggressive, they leave you alone if you leave them alone. I only got stung when I would sit on one or if one would accidentally fly into me. They are not very good flyers when they are weighed down with mud but they would never attack. These wasps where a different kind, look like yellow jackets just longer.
I still remember the summer my son Matthew and his friends, thought it would be a good idea to throw rocks at the nest and then run, aggravating the hive to the point where, when I open the door to the pump house, I was attacked and got stung several times on the upper lip. My daughter, Amanda said I looked like a platypus and she couldn’t even talk to me without laughing. Every morning I would wake up to another giant lip, the swelling would kind of go down during the day and then every morning baam, it would look like it just happened hug! I really didn't want to go through that again.
In the darkness of the house the wasps go into hibernation mod and are easier to catch so I will deal with this problem latter and I opened the door and started to yell! I’m really not sure why, I’m normally a really quite person but I felt like yelling and so I did. About the time I noticed how ridiculous I was acting the wasps backed away from the door. It worked yelling at them pushed them back and I was able to walk outside throw the wasps, I put my head down and walked. My mistake last time was I looked at the hive and made eye contact with the wrong wasps that day so head down and go through.
Later that night I had forgotten about the wasps in my house for they had settle down to sleep as I did. The next morning when I went to the ladies room I saw one on the floor, just sitting there looking at me. I picked up a pare of seizers and copped his head off. It was easy cause he was still in hibernation mod and slow moving. I had decide this was as good of a solution as any, for the rest of my unwanted gests. Seizers in hand, off I went. The wasps out in the living room are awake now and harder to sneak up on so I gave up on the idea. I will have to wait until night again.
That night I got in after dark again and went to bed without thinking about the wasps until the next morning. I awoke to buzzing. I mean a lot of buzzing, following the sound I see that I have a blackish blob on my air conditioner, it was wasps crawling on each other. Not a hive just the bees. I got a big glass and a piece of mail, thinking I could put the glass over the wasps and slip the mail in between knocking the wasps into the class. This worked well and I captured 12 wasps the other half got away and where now flying all over my house. Tomorrow I will get some spray! And I headed out my door to work.
I went to town only to forget about the wasps spray and so another night worrying I will step on one on my way to the ladies room. I was standing in the front of the mirror and one flue right into my hair, like in slow motion an air plane crashing into a giant building. I got to watch myself scream and swat at my on head like a crazy person, when I realized I could stop and just look to see if it was in my hair. It was gone from my hair and that’s all I cared about at the moment. This was ridiculous it’s time to take action. I got a single glass and with a piece of mail I scooped up one wasp at a time, this work well and I was able to catch 24 wasps in my house that day.
I got up the next morning feel rested and comfortable in my house again and sleepily I went to make some coffee. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something move in the garbage disposal. I look again and saw nothing but I know I saw something move. Was I loosing my mind. I crepped in trying to get a better look when a frog jump up from inside the disposal and scared the crap out of me.

Once I got my heart settle down I tryed to catch him but he jumped back down into the disposal. Now I know what you are thinking and I thought about turning it on myself but I just couldn't. I have been waiting for my prince a long time, I couldn't blend him up. I ran some hot water down there and he came out in a hurry and I was able to catch him. I had to tell him how much he had scared me, when he peed in my hand. well I guess he understood now. I almost gave him a kiss but thought better of it considering where he had been hanging out so I set him free outside. if that was my prince he will have to clean up a bit and try again;0)