Some might wonder why I am so open about my life and all I can say is I am facing fears. Not on purpose it’s just showing up on my door, so what the heck, at each new situation I find myself entangled in I realize It’s really not as bad as I had imagine and I am learning how to laugh at myself. Something I have not been able to do before. I was right and that is what is important, at least to me anyways. Being wrong wasn’t something I did very often. When I knew I was wrong I would except it gracefully but I work very hard to be right. I don’t know why I’m this way it’s the way I have always been and the way my father was. Well there comes a point in one life where you are truly aware that you have no control over life. It’s spiraling out of control down roads you only imagined not going. Is imagining not going the same as going? Anyhow this last year I have been on my knees crawling but I’m still moving forward with purpose. I’m here to say, I have been wrong! More so lately and its not so bad really. So what? I’m a dork like everyone else and I have a lot of great friends to laugh about it with. I am looking for my brighter side of life. I have seen the dark side of fear and now I’m looking for the brighter side of hope.
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