Monday, December 27, 2010


This being the first holiday season without my father and my family still scattered without the glue that held us all together, I didn't even want to face it. Worried I couldn't hold it together for everyone is something that always worries me. These last few years I have been unraveling to say the least, face to face with my deepest fears, life can look to scary to face but now I'm starting to get the hang of it. Letting others help me is something foreign and very uncomfortable to me. As I struggle to get back on my feet I'm amazes how many people have helped me these last few years and how thankful I am for their support. What I thought was the worst thing every, turned out to be something amazing. The thought that I had to hold it all together for everyone else was not true, to let others give is a blessing for they are blessed in their giving.
With the passing of my father I have never felt so lost this last year, he was my sounding board, knowing me better than I knew myself, he always helped me see things clearer, he was the persons I dreamed my dreams with. As my mind holds on, trying to keep the connection, I am left to talk to myself, hearing his voice only in my mind, but holding onto the past I'm stuck standing still with doubts, not sure what to do to keep moving forward with life. What started out as talking to myself moved slowly into talking to the lord, the original Creator himself. When I was little my father used to read the bible to me, he studied every religion through the years but back then it was all about the New Testament, being my formative years he gave me the gift of faith, through Christ I find hope and the strength that I can face the things that scare me for he is with me cheering me on.

I would like to thank my family for they have kept me going with their love and support. My big sister Brigette who has always been there when I really need her. I would like to thank Ronda and Billy my childhood friends who are like family to me. Ashley who is like a daughter/best friend, Kelly and all my ladies who come to my Wed. night clinics. I would also like to thank Dick Hanks and Lyle Livingston for helping me with hay when I really needed it, I owe you big time. Thank you so much for helping me keep the faith! I am blessed with great friends and family.
For Christmas my family came together, we cooked lots of food, we laughed, we shared, we remembered love, it was beautiful. Thankful

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Thank you Brandy

Congratulation to Brandy on her purchase of Moonlight Baby. I wish you the best of luck and don't hesitate to call if you have any more Questions.

When I took this pic I didn't have help and she stood still for me to run back and take the shot. This never happens! ears up and everything. She is a wonderful mare. Thank you.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Need Help please share

Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does! and with every crazy thing that happens I realize more and more how much I love my life, my ranch and my horses.
I got my first pony when I was seven. I had gotten my hand catch in an escalator when I was six and after paying the lawyer and hospital bill we had six hundred dollars and my Dad bought a xrace horse who was crazy and a pony named Bingo. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was on the school bus on my way to school when I saw a horse trailer go past heading the other direction with a big bay and a little painted pony, all I could see was their rumps out the back and I said a prayer asking if that pony could go to my house. I prayed every time I saw a horse trailer but this one was actually heading in the right direction and so I prayed extra hard. When I got off the bus after school my Dad was there waiting, witch was unusual, we usually had to walk the two and a half miles home because we did not have a car but today he was there to pick us up with our neighbors who son Jason had stayed home from school that day. As I stepped off the bus Jason ran over shouting "you got a pony, you got a pony" I was so excited I could hardly stand the ride home. Jason who was my best friend at the time was telling me all about my new pony cause he had been riding him all day. I couldn't get out of the car fast enough, I ran and through my arms around Bingos neck, Bingo had had enough for one day and turned and bit me in the ass.
My love for horses has always been, from my first memories and with any deep passion their is heartbreak. Lifes ying and yang but through all the ups and downs my love remains true.
Yesterday I sold one of the paint horses from the sale (thankfully) but in picking her up I got Cow kick in the arm by a baby running by. It's not broke Thank God but I'm out of commission for a bit. Creditors calling I'm already behind.
I am asking for help to save my Ranch.
I have some paint Horse for sale.
I also am offering Royalsonofaboonsmal (Happy) for sale. I would love to find someone to go in partners on him so I can keep blogging his training into the cutting show pen but I need help, it's clear I cant do this alone and I will sell him outright if I can find a buyer.
I also have knowledge about training and can travel to teach clinics with five or more riders.
I used to paint years ago. I haven't painted in over 12 years but I'm sure it will come back to me if anyone would like to commission a painting of their beloved animal.

I have two rooms for rent and five stalls to rent out to the right person. With the bad luck I have had with renting rooms, I will need great references to say the least.
please share with your friend and your prayer are much appreciated.