Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Wendy's first ride
I lunged her in the big arena until I got the play out of her and then I jumped up and down next to her until she would stand still. I like to jump on them bareback first and just lay over them and she didn't seem to mind so I took her into the barn and saddle her. I took her out the round pen and put the driving lines on her, I taught her to turn on the panels with a light pull. Once I could turn her both direction and she figured out to follow her nose, stop and back she was ready to step up on. She is such a sweetheart I figured I could get this done by myself and when I stepped up and sat in the saddle she look back at me with a calm look in her eye, I pet her on the neck and she leaned into my hand hoping for a good scratching. Feeling confident she didn't mind me on her I let her wounder around the pen until she decided she needed more scratching and started to lean into the panels, I had to turn her away to save my leg from being mashed. I got her walking both direction with ease, I had gotten a little too relaxed when she suddenly stop and shook, I fell forward on her neck with my feet in her flank, she jumped forward startled but settled down as soon as I was up right and talking to her. I got her guiding around the pen both direction again but feeling a little foolish for almost falling off her at a walk, I figure that was enough for the first ride. As I step down she lean into me for more scratching. We both can't wait until she sheds out her winter hair. It was such a beautiful day I gave her her first real bath. She has always come up to the fence wanting to be sprayed with water while we rinse off the other horses and I think she enjoyed finally being the center of my attention.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
I took Happy to my Wed. Night Clinic last night and he was scared of the other horses. He is such a chicken! But he did give me some great cutting move as the other horses would come at him in the arena. I spent most of my time try to stay out of the way and keep him busy. He wouldn't stand still and it made it very difficult to talk and teach, at least for me, I need my hands to talk and I was frustrated I couldn't let go of him, sit there and chat. At one point I was trotting circles, I let him have his head and he in one smooth motion stopped and tried to roll, I got a few buck strides after kicking him forward. He was really fidgety but all and all was pretty good for his first time riding at a new place.
Thanks everyone for coming and working so hard, everyone has improved so much, you guys are awesome! This is going to be a good year, I can feel it.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
It's your pride or it's me
As I sit looking out the window at the wind blowing the birds around in my front yard, I wonder why we are so upset when things go wrong and are hard, as if life is supposed to be easy and we are being wronged when it isn't. The birds out in the wind are going about there day looking for food, I wonder, are they cursing to themselves? Do they feel sorry for themselves on a day like today? I know when I leave my horses out in the wind they get down right cranky so I would think the answer is Yes. Studies say cursing is good for you, it instantly relieves stress. I'm not doing all that well with the stop cursing thing in my real life but I'm still working on it.
Love is hard it comes in so many forms and is so fleeting. They weren't kidding when they said all is far in love and war. The things we do and say because are pride is hurt.
I figured my love life is not salvageable at this point. The relationships with the men in my life have come full circle and each has shown there truth, when I needed them they couldn't get over there pride. I met a man the other night and he thought the best relationships are when a woman need a man. I haven't found this to be true in my life, when I needed them most is when they stand back and watch me drowned. If they started down the path of stating they are not looking for anything to serious but they can't let me go either, it is me who has to let go and move on and so I do. Strangely enough most come back around.
Apparently if you make the mistake of telling the guy you know he is in love with you before he realizes it, you are really screwed. He will take those words "I'm not in love with you" to his grave to save his pride. Each time they come back around I hopefully give them another shot at it but if there pride can't take those words back there is no reason to try again. I think some just want to see if I still care to feed there egos and the truth is they really don't love me. They want me in there life but they are not here in mine.
I don't know how to unlearn what I already know and I have seen this play out time and time again in my life. I am as retarded as the next person when it comes to love. I wrote a song once and sent it to the guy hoping if he new how I felt he would come back, he wanted to wait and see, we were both divorcing and he said "if we were meant to be it will be" The song title was How Will I Know. Wow he was really made when he got the song in the mail and called me a nut, only to tell me years later that he did in fact have feeling for me. I didn't learn anything from that experience and did it again only this time I invited the guy to an open mic and sang the song to him live. The song title was Do I Matter To You, Apparently this is a No No for a commitment phobic guy cause months later he invited me to his show only to dedicate a love song to someone else while everyone turned and stared at me, it had been a year and a half we had struggled with our retardation and most people there new about it. With every relationship you reach that point where it's make it or brake it. I wrote this song in one of those moments a few years back. You should never give a man an ultimatum this is true! or apparently write a song about him but it sure is fun singing about it. All those songs are my favorite songs to sing even though I have moved on, the songs still have life, they were the gift and still ease my soul by singing them.
It's your pride or it's me
I told you a thousand times
love is about compromise
is it so hard to apologize?
It's your pride or it's me
That's the way it's supposed to be
you make everything out to be a fight
will your stupid pride hold you tight
make love to you every night
We keep playing the blaming game
smothering out the lovers flame
can't you see it always ends the same
It's your pride or it me
that's the way it's supposed to be
When it comes to love you don't know what to do
still you won't listen to what I'm tell you
thinking stubbornness will get us through
Hurt feelings need love to mend
did you think your plan through to the end
once lovers now not even friends
It's your pride or it me
that's the way it's suppose to be
could you get down on bended knee
cause if you can't then say la ve
and that's the way it's supposed to be
Love is hard it comes in so many forms and is so fleeting. They weren't kidding when they said all is far in love and war. The things we do and say because are pride is hurt.
I figured my love life is not salvageable at this point. The relationships with the men in my life have come full circle and each has shown there truth, when I needed them they couldn't get over there pride. I met a man the other night and he thought the best relationships are when a woman need a man. I haven't found this to be true in my life, when I needed them most is when they stand back and watch me drowned. If they started down the path of stating they are not looking for anything to serious but they can't let me go either, it is me who has to let go and move on and so I do. Strangely enough most come back around.
Apparently if you make the mistake of telling the guy you know he is in love with you before he realizes it, you are really screwed. He will take those words "I'm not in love with you" to his grave to save his pride. Each time they come back around I hopefully give them another shot at it but if there pride can't take those words back there is no reason to try again. I think some just want to see if I still care to feed there egos and the truth is they really don't love me. They want me in there life but they are not here in mine.
I don't know how to unlearn what I already know and I have seen this play out time and time again in my life. I am as retarded as the next person when it comes to love. I wrote a song once and sent it to the guy hoping if he new how I felt he would come back, he wanted to wait and see, we were both divorcing and he said "if we were meant to be it will be" The song title was How Will I Know. Wow he was really made when he got the song in the mail and called me a nut, only to tell me years later that he did in fact have feeling for me. I didn't learn anything from that experience and did it again only this time I invited the guy to an open mic and sang the song to him live. The song title was Do I Matter To You, Apparently this is a No No for a commitment phobic guy cause months later he invited me to his show only to dedicate a love song to someone else while everyone turned and stared at me, it had been a year and a half we had struggled with our retardation and most people there new about it. With every relationship you reach that point where it's make it or brake it. I wrote this song in one of those moments a few years back. You should never give a man an ultimatum this is true! or apparently write a song about him but it sure is fun singing about it. All those songs are my favorite songs to sing even though I have moved on, the songs still have life, they were the gift and still ease my soul by singing them.
It's your pride or it's me
I told you a thousand times
love is about compromise
is it so hard to apologize?
It's your pride or it's me
That's the way it's supposed to be
you make everything out to be a fight
will your stupid pride hold you tight
make love to you every night
We keep playing the blaming game
smothering out the lovers flame
can't you see it always ends the same
It's your pride or it me
that's the way it's supposed to be
When it comes to love you don't know what to do
still you won't listen to what I'm tell you
thinking stubbornness will get us through
Hurt feelings need love to mend
did you think your plan through to the end
once lovers now not even friends
It's your pride or it me
that's the way it's suppose to be
could you get down on bended knee
cause if you can't then say la ve
and that's the way it's supposed to be
Friday, February 4, 2011
Wendy's first saddling
I have worked on lunging a few day as a reminder. She remembered her lesson well so I let her go free in the round pen so I could free her up and get her to lope. She had a little trouble with staying round and would hit the panels and trying to jump out, lil sticker. She finally figure out I wanted her to lope around the pen but I had to whack her in the ass quite a few times and I was very happy she figured it out finally cause I was pretty winded from running after her. After I could send her out and keep loping without the fence climbing and she would face up when I took the pressure off both directions I haltered her and took her to the center of the pen to saddle. I put the saddle pad on, she didn't care so I put he saddle on, she didn't care, I cinched her up she didn't care, I asked her to lunge around me and she did. Well that was way to easy. I let her go in the round pen and went to go work Happy.
I have been riding Happy out in the big pen and he is still lazy. His lope is slow and sloppy, you can feel his reluctance with every stride. I was hoping getting him out of the round pen would free him up some but not so much, I even had to give him a swat with the end of the rein to keep him going. His stop is good and if you say anything his little ass is in the ground before you know what happened. I work him at a trot mostly cause his walk is like at snails pace. The only time he seems to wake up is when the dogs get close and he goes after them in a flash. Barnie my new dog want to stay very close to me witch keep the game going for Happy. I really need to get some more sheep. Maybe now with Barnie I will be able to but I want to make sure first, having my little friends eaten by Coyote's was horrible.
Last night I heard the Coyotes close, the dogs bark and run after, usually the stand off continues most of the night but last night it was over the first time. Yae, Barnie, the night was quite and I finally got some sleep. He's not sure about my chickens and I had to stop him from eating one. He really didn't like being yelled at, I had to go get him and put him in the house, it being the first day and all, he ran and hide knowing I was mad, I found him in my bathtub looking very sad. He crawled out when I call him with his tail between his legs, then kept to my side the rest of the day.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

There are horses in your life you know are there for a reason and my mare I'm Expressin Myself is such a mare. I feel it was fate that brought the mare into my life and she has given me the best babies I have ever owned. I had to bred her to a few different stallions before I hit the jack pot with my stallion Expressive N Smart (Cody) sired by Seriors Lil Brudder. I did not show him due to an injury to his hock when he was two but I knew what I had and I keep him for myself. I started taking him to my Wed. night clinics so he could get out, he loves to go and gets mad when I leave him behind. I ride him one day a week, I mostly sit on him when I teach others and somehow he has advanced in his training anyways. He has try and is definitely the Man in my life, honest and true, he is always happy to see me.



I bred her to Seven From Heaven the last time and she gave me Wendy. Wendy is everything I dreamed of, she is smart with a great sense of humor and playful. She was born on a cold windy day, out here the wind blows like you wouldn't believe and little Wendy did her best to stay on her feet. I brought them into the barn out of the wind. She was so tired but wasn't sure how to lay down again. I sat on the ground and watch her trying to sleep standing, she was only a few hours old. She stumble over to me and with me sitting on the ground she lay down right next to me, I sat still as not to scare her. After a few minutes I reached out and pet her on the neck, she didn't mind and lay her head in my lap. In all the years I have had horses this has never happened before naturally. I sat there with this little filly sleeping with her head on my lap and thought about all my child hood fantasies and how far away from those ideal dreams I had come. My reality was harsh and training horses was hard work, a job I took very seriously. I had become a hard ass trying to compete with the big boys and had lost my friendship with horses. There I sat with this new born filly I had dreamed of owning my hole adult life sleeping in my lap and I was moved to tears.
A few year back I had decided to take a chance and ship semen. My friends had done it and it could get really costly with vet bill so I was reluctant. I had wanted a Play Gun forever but he didn't ship so I found Seven from Heaven and decided to breed to him instead, there again there was just something about him. The Stallion had surgery that year and so I had to wait a hole another years to breed to him. They offered another Stallion instead but I decided to wait. I had to borrow the money for the vet and shipping when the next year finally rolled around but I managed to get it done and work it off. She was a strange color, chestnut with darker legs like a bay but definitely chestnut, she had a very pretty little head. She loved to run and play and you could tell right away that she had all the right moves. She is smart and a very curious filly, throughout the years she has been a definite pain in my back side, the hot wire doesn't bother her, It's just a game to her and she always gets out and into trouble. She is gray like her sire but with strange light spots all over her. She is a horse of a different color but to me pretty is as pretty does.
She is two years old now and I'm starting her under saddle. I wanted horses like this when I was younger.. lol I wanted a horse to compete at the Snaffle Bit and now I have to muster up the courage and get it done;0)
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