Friday, April 2, 2010

Day Fourteen: Today I was running behind with the new real estate business and now blogging, there was not enough time in the day to work with Happy. Normally I would leave it for another day but I decided to take him to my Wed. night clinics instead.
This blogging thing is really working for I never take my babies around with me anymore. I used to but the last few years I just didn’t want to bother with it. Horse trainers burnout.;0)
I’m late and so the horses have to wait until I get back to be fed. I load up my stallion Cody, who I take to teach my class and go get Happy. I had no time to waste, I took a deep breath and walk into the trailer like I did with Cody and to my surprise Happy came with me, he hesitated when his feet hit the ramp, but when I asked him to come with, he did, like he had been trailed a million times. He stood for me to tie him and just turned back to look at me when I closed the door. That was way to easy, and I’m not going to be late to my class. When I arrived at the ranch, I take Happy out of the trailer and put him in the round pen there. He walked around, trotted a little and then went to sniffing the ground for clues. I left him to go teach my class in the indoor arena. I heard him call a few time from the round pen, when it got dark out and he could not see the other horse in their stalls. when I went to catch him he came right up to me in the dark and let me put the halter on him. I had asked one of my students to help me, if he refused to get in the trailer cause it was late and really cold tonight. I walked him to the trailer and when he started to load up my student pressed him from behind, he didn’t like that and pulled back. Knowing how sensitive he is I asked her to back up and lets see if he will get back in. I asked him again and he walked right in. When we got home he stood quietly to be untied and walk out of the trailer like a pro. Happy was a very good boy tonight.

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