Day sixteen: I had to teach clinics all weekend so Happy hadn’t been worked in three days. I saddled him in the barn and then took him out to the round pen. I forgot the camera so left Happy in the round pen with the reins tied up. When I came back and entered the round pen Happy nervously took off running so I made him keep up that place for a while, rolling him back on the fence until I could feel him wanting to slow down. I take off the pressure standing still in the center of the pen. Happy comes into the middle with me at a walk. I pet him and leave him again, to wonder around the pen. When I return Happy does the some thing again, taking off running when entering the pen again so I push him until he starts to try to stop and face me. I make him continue around the pen for a little bit longer than he really wanted too and then let him join me in the center of the pen. I pet him and leave him again. This time when I return Happy starts to run and then stopped to face me. Happy is starting to make choices, should I go or should I stay now? He decided to stay so I let him hang out with me while I get the long lines untangled. Happy gets the lines tangled today and so we have to work out some panic issues when he gets tangled but after that he was really good long lining today.
Ashley stops by today and so I decided to try to step up on Happy. I don’t like to do this work when I’m alone, I’m going to take advantage of this opportunity of support. All I want to get done today is get Happy to except me stepping up on him, excepting my weight and getting above his head. I want him to except this on both sides. I jump up and down a few time and then step up, Happy doesn’t like it and dances around a bit but stays with me. I’m surprised, I really thought he would leap away from me much more than he did. He didn’t like the right side and jumped a little but most horse do. We don’t spend as much time on the right side of a horse so they are usually a little more fussy. I want him to see me up there with both eyes. The flighty ones I make sure to stand on both sides, not with all horse I start, cause I‘m uncoordinated on that side, just the ones I think need this step. Even though I felt I could have gotten on today I decide it’s been a long day. I will see how Happy really felt about the lesson tomorrow when I try again.

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