Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day Twenty One: I have gotten kinda sweet on Happy lately. I think he has amazing potential and so I have decided to keep Happy to show and breed my mares. Two of my mares are related to my stud Expressive N Smart (Cody). One his mother and the other an half sister to Cody. The two mares have been teasing Cody and so I decided to go ahead and bred Happy this year. I have found that when stallion learn, there is a time and a place for everything, just no frisky business when I’m working with him. I have found they make their way through the process easier. When they are timid and will teas the mares all the way in without a kick fight. She will teach him proper boundaries. Pasture bred stallions have been the best to work with and so I thought I would try it myself. Trying to bred by myself has been a challenge to say the least so I was opened to new ideas. When I was a kid, our horses ran free in a herd with a stallion, as an adult I have done mostly AI.
I put Happy in with Cody’s mother I’m Expressing Myself, she is really easy to breed but Happy is too timid to get the job done and she will not show heat to him, Cody yes, Happy no, it’s not happening.
I let them stay together for a few days to let them work it out. She finally goes out of heat but I never saw them get frisky and she is still pinning her ears and running poor Happy off.

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