Monday, May 17, 2010

He is much more pre-occupied by the mare now and has started to pace the fence if I put him out for any length of time. Stallions are such a pain in the ass. I Question why I want two of them in the first place. Surely I could find some outside Stallion to breed these two mare. I could trade for breeding to Cody. Hey I kinda like this idea. Get my troublesome mares bred and get some outside mares bred to Cody seems like a good idea. And just when I have myself convinced I will stay with the plan and sell Happy, he make a move to the side like a cat and I’m back to wanted to feel this horse underneath me on a cow. Yeeha

He is everything I’ve been wanting except not much of a looker but he is only two, he could grow into himself still. A late bloomer as they say. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed he will blossom. I have always believed that feminine looking stallions are the prettiest when they mature. I like a horse with a nice neck and with a lot of stallions they get too thick with age. The feminine stallions just get that masculine look they needed so I’m over looking his looks for now and I’m back to wanting to keep him;0) Pretty is as pretty does!

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