Day Twenty Six: I saddle and drive him today. He was really good remembering the long line lessons from before. Kristen is my passenger today and I lunge him with her just sitting there. He does the same things when mounting, rising his head high and dancing around some. We have to mount and dismount a few times before he settles. I send him off at a walk and then up to a trot, he is focused on me and carries her around at a trot nicely. He is relaxed with a good look in his eye. Kristen then started to cluck to him when moving him off and he got a little scared with the transfer from listening to me to listening to her on him back so we went back to me sending him around until he relaxed again and tried it again. We stay at the trot today and end on a good note. When Kristen steps down he pinned his ears and backed up so we step up and down again until he was better.
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