Glory glory my morning glory's have bloomed. My fences are hot wire and my horses get out all the time. Half the time I feel like I am a guard standing watch and these horses are my prisoners. It is a full time job and one that makes things harder. You have to have a trained ear to hear that sound my stallion makes when someone is out in the nigh, I get out of bed,go catch who ever is out, causing havoc and then try to go back to sleep. I have some trouble makers who are always on the watch for the hot wire not working well. Summertime is always my problem months cause the ground is so dry it doesn't ground well. After years of this nonsense I finally solved my problems. First I put up some chicken wire on the outside of the rock pillor as a visual to keep the horses from running under the fence. I planted morning glory along the wire and then I put in the drip line witch keeps the ground wet and the hot wire hot. So simple I'm kinda embarrassed it took me this many years to think of it, but now with my fathers plants to keep alive, they have given me back my love for plants and flowers that I had lost so many years ago. Training horses is hard work and I felt I couldn't keep up with it all when I divorce and so I let my flower die.
After 8 year of saying to myself "I can't do this by myself" I realized I have been running this ranch by myself and now it's time to solve some of the things that make me feel like a slave to my job and to this ranch.
I have two mares who are young and up to no good. Both mares I didn't keep going with there training cause of all the crap that just kept on happening and they both wants my attention and are always in trouble. I bred them both this year hoping they would settle down and stay in the big pasture with the other mares. But no they get out and kick at the stallions leaving holes in my barn and knocking down rock pillors so I have to keep my own horses in the stalls just to get some sleep. The new morning glory's are working (Blessings)and my horse are staying in their pasture and glory glory my mornings are brighter.
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