Sale Day I wake up to mares out again. This time they kicked over another rock pillar. I knew I shouldn’t have put them in that pen before I got the hot wire on it but I needed the mare up to the barn so viewers could see both parents. They get out frequently for the two are ganging up on the one as to make her run through the fence, and normally they are easy to catch. I wasn’t sure as to why they are always the first to get out but the mare Sandi is showing the battle wounds now from the other two.
This morning I was extra stressed as it was my sale and concert and I still had a million things to do so I was pretty much screaming profanities and waving my arms around like a crazy person when I approached and the mares took one look at me and off they ran. I stopped screaming, as they have never ran before and now they are heading down to my neighbors. I didn’t have time for this shit this morning and started heading after them. Thankfully they decided to stop and eat the green grass up at the house but as I approached they ran again. The stallions have lost their minds screaming and running there pens so I decide to feed and maybe the mares will come back for food.
As I feed they came half way and let me catch them this time, I put them in the big arena and went to work putting the pillar back up and fixing the fence. The arena’s still need watered and horses bathed, Ashley shows up in the nick of time. Kelly shows up with the good sprayer and we get to work. We had washed half the horses the day before putting them in a stall over night only to have them seem even dirtier this morning than before we bathed them yesterday. Big Boy had managed to roll yesterday ever though I had tied him high on the hot walker, grinded the dirt in both sides so he needed another bath this morning as well. We all hustled and got everything ready for sale day, tables, chairs, the food and the spotless spotted paint horses to be sold, all quietly tied in there assigned stalls. Friends arrive and it starts off nice, it’s a beautiful day, but no real buyers come and finally I have to come to the disappointment of not selling any of the horses today.
More friends arrive and it’s time to start singing. I start off with the songs my father wrote. I couldn’t remember the rhythm to Got Good Reason, my mind went blank for some reason. I was so afraid I would cry while singing his songs, it is coming up on one year since his passing and things have been harder than usual lately, I never thought about my mind going blank but it was ok and I moved on to the next song. I had a flat bead trailer in the indoor as a stage and we find out when we start playing that it’s really bouncy. It not only went up and down but back and forth every witch way, we manage to get into the groove and through the songs. At the end of the day everyone came together, helped out and had a good time. I have some great friends and I learned a lot this first time around. I will still have these nice paint horses for sale here at the ranch and I am looking forward to doing another concert in the spring.
I have to admit I slept for a few days after, feeling sorry for myself a bit. As I found myself right back where I started, laying on my bed staring at the fan worrying I know I did the right thing, I got up and fixed up my ranch, halter broke some nice horses that needed it and I shared my songs and most importantly my fathers songs with my closest friends. You can only stare at the ceiling for so long and these last few month I have work hard, pushed myself to the edge of my sanity, I have laughed, I have cried and I have remembered love, love that made me who I am and for that I am forever grateful.
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