Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cody's 2nd Filly born

One Night With Doc (Patricia)is a mare I raised out of a Flynn's Gayson ofaDoc mare Flynn's LiL Tejon I bought in foal to Doc At Night some years back. I always wanted a Doc At Night baby and was thrilled with this little filly, I was hoping for a black like her daddy but was happy she was so darn cute. She is my little fire ball, way to expressive for her own good, the top sports model I had been praying for, in my twenties and early thirties. You know the saying? Be careful for what you wish for, Well she is so expressive she is the first horse I ever sent out to be started. I traded Molly, one of my ROP students from a few years back for work done on a horse she was starting to show and needed some finish work done. Molly said the filly started fine, no real blow ups or anything but was quick and grab assy. I rode her three time and she was good, Molly had done a nice job. I stopped riding her with all the chaos my life went through that year and before I knew it my little supper star was coming three with only a few months on her.

She wasn't the kind of horse you wanted to ride with no one else around so I waited until I had someone here. We restarted her, this time putting her on the sheep to keep her focus. I could tell right away she was something else and knew I need to kept thing slow. She can be unnerving at first but she has this soft spot that is amazing to feel. Feeling bad that I let this horse fall behind but with my dad passing away I just didn't have it to give so I bred her to my Stallion Smart N Expressive (Cody) I put some more miles on her with every ride I knew I would keep this horse and finish her out as a older horse, she is the kind that would have tried to hard and blown out if pushed and so taking my time was the best for her anyways. She wants my attention and would brake out of her 30acre pasture all the time, my trouble maker, at first I thought she just wanted to tease my stallion but after breeding her I realized it was to get my attention. If I didn't do something with her for a week or so she would brake out, running around in all her glory. One time she took out my drip line and tie fifty feet of drip line into a knot and somehow managed to get it on herself like a harness. Every time I would catch her, there would be that soft spot again, you can feel her try even leading her, it's amazing, riding her is like flying.

I lost China's Fancy Boy to colic the other night and was waiting for the rendering truck when I remember Patricia was due to foal soon and I needed to check her. Yes, she had wax, she wasn't very big but she looked ready so I brought her in the barn. With staying up all night with Big Boy I was beat and needed to sleep, I would get up early to check on her. The next morning no baby so I put her out in the big pasture with the other mares.

That evening when I went to go put her in the barn I notice Sabrina had a babies by her side only Sabrina wasn't in foal. She had stolen Patricia's baby. I caught Sabrina and took her out of the pasture and when I got back Tejon had two babies nursing on her and Patricia standing off in to the side. Well If Patricia is rejecting it at least the filly's grandma will nurse her, I just have to get it to nurse Patricia's first milk. I pushed the baby over to Patricia and she liked it and let it nurse. She is really good and careful with her little filly. I have to go teach a clinic so I leave her out in the big pasture.

After my clinic I went out in the pasture to make sure everything was fine, it was dark and it took me awhile to find them, both mare are bay but I see white a big white shape, as I proach I see my paint mare I have adopted had broke into this pasture. She was two pasture over when I left but everything was fine both mare had their babies so I took BW and put her in the barn. Man, every mare wants this baby!

This morning Tejon had stolen Patricia's baby again and Patricia came running screaming up to me until I pushed her baby back over to her. Tejon wanted that baby and would try to keep it so I tied her up for a while and let Patricia have some alone time. Both mares are out in the pasture now with there babies at their sides. Not sure what to name her yet?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

China's Fancy Boy passed away yesterday

I first met Big Boy when he came to me as a two year old to be started under saddle. He was still nursing on his mother and not halter broke, he was friendly,he had no manures because his owner had no clue how to hand horses, using grain to get them tame but never doing the work that needs to be done.
He was tall and lanky mostly white and wasn't much to look at. I had him in training for about a year. I always liked the stallion for his sweet disposition but he didn't fit into my program at the time because he wasn't an open horse, he was kind hearted but lazy and didn't have much desire to preform. He was perfect for his owner because anyone could ride him anywhere. The owner sent me another stallion to train that was a Smart Little Fred baby and he was a talented little horse and so we set our hope on him for the show pen and sent Big Boy home. Now when this little stud came in training I noticed his shoulder muscling was uneven and ask his owner about this, he assured me he had been seen by his vet and was good to go into training, the horse had and injury as a yearling but was sound. As time went by the little horse started having problems but never limped. He fell down running a large fast circle and them fell again a few months later. I started noticing something wasn't right in him back end but couldn't put my finger on what was the problem. I call the owner and told him I wanted him looked at but because he wasn't limping and could do everything I asked of him he didn't see the need, I was affaid to ride him the horse had already fallen down tree times. Then one day I put him out in the round pen while I went to town and when I got back he was dragging his front leg and couldn't bring it forward. I call his owner and he wanted his vet to see the little stud witch was fine with me. As the vet walked over and saw the little horse the first words out of his mouth where. This horse well I told you he would never hold up in training. I was so mad this was the end of our business relationship. I had broke this pore little horse down, he had never bucked or was mean just spooky, he tried so hard for me that his hip finally gave out for over compensating for his injured shoulder. The only problem I was having in his training was wouldn't stand still when I tried to mount but he was a fire ball of a horse so I didn't see the sings. Felt really stupid after.
Now five years had past and last year I ran into this owner by chance and he wanted me to help him out, he had always payed his bills and he given me quite a few horse in training in the past so I agreed to go pick up the stallions because he told me they had broken out several times and he needed time to put up another barn.
As I arrive at the ranch I see the owner had been busy breeding and had way to many horses on his land now. The place was run down, fence falling down and the stallions kept in a 12/12 stall that had never been cleaned. This was really sad, these horses had a shit mound all the way around each stall so high you couldn't get the panels to move and they where wired shut. Covered in their own crap, feet a mess and malnourished, they hadn't been let out of their prison in three years. I knew right then that these stallions couldn't come back here and so I kept my mouth shut about the condition they were in and loaded them into the trailer. The mares where better having pasture and he had some nice looking babies. All the babies where still nursing and not halter broke but the looked healthy. Big Boy's mane had grown down to his knees in a tangled mess of crap and had to be cut. He had an open sore on his flank. When I cleaned Little Fred all his hair on this back came off with the matted crap and he was bald and skinny.
I put the them out in paddocks to let them find them legs for about a week. Little Fred played so hard he made himself sore and had to put back in a stall and hand walked. The first time I got on Big Boy he remembered everything, it was like he had never left, he was skinny and out of shape but his mind was good, sweet and kind.
The owner of these horses came to me crying and said he needed my help, he had to get all his horses off his land because he was in trouble with the law and ask me if I would house them for him for a bit and not to worry he had money for everything. I did have many horse in training so I agreed to help him out. As things started to unravel and he started not paying trying to give me all the horses and I kept telling him I can't, I'm broke I can't take on these horses, I realized I was in a little bit of trouble. I decided to put on a sale and try to find homes for them. I halter broke the babies and found a home for Little Fred. I realized that Big Boy was a special horse himself and he passed his loving personality to his foals. I breed sports models horses, ones that excel in the show pen and are not suited for the general public but Big Boy is more like a Minni van and perfect for the average rider. I can sell that kind of horse in any market I thought. I decided to kept this lovely Stallion as a lesson horse and breed him to my two mares who are related to my Stallion Cody.
The Horse Sale was a bust and I returned the mares and babies back to the ranch but the owner changed the lock and I was unable to return all the horses. I hoped their owner would help me out seeing how much I helped him but I was left with two more horses to feed over the winter, I kept trying to find homes for the other horse up at his ranch and sold one but got kicked in the arm when picking her up. The owner reassured me when he got money he would help me out it was just going to take a little bit longer so I trusted he would, I mean really after all I halter broke all his babies some as old as six year for nothing and found homes for five horses, surely he would help me when he could.
Big Boy colic the other day and even with the vet calling him asking to help he refused and all we could do was keep him drugged and wait and see if he would pull through. I lost him in the early morning of 3/15/2011.
I'm not sure why thing happen the way they do but I do know it was my privilege to have shared a part of this horses life, one year when he was two and now this last year, he won my heart with his kind nature. I'm not sure if I have any mares in foal for I only breed two mares last week and it's early in the year. Nothing can replace a special horse and he was very special to me. My hear is heavy but I'm thankful to have given him his freedom to run and play.