Sunday, March 28, 2010

Day Eleven: I remind Happy of the lesson of lunging close up and personal, he leaps away again but settles faster today. I want to make sure he is ok with this step before I move to the next thing, making sure to wind him down to a walk each time, changing directions often until he will walk off. I am close enough I could almost reach out and touch him. Now with the end of the lung line I rap it around his hind quarters to get him use to things around him. He tucked his ass but stay with me at a trot. I let him trot around me until he will walk again. I do both sides. He surprised me today I thought for sure he would through a fit about this step, he really doesn’t like me around his hind end. He handle this well. Still wide eye but he never kick at the rope as I had thought he would. Happy is ready to be driven with long lines:0)

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